1. What kind of the Olympiad it is?


Olympiad format: one week - one problem. It's simple: we offer you an insanely hard interesting problem, you send us your solutions. The number of points and your rating depends on how quickly and correctly you do everything (more details here). This goes on for 4 rounds. In the end, the results are summed up and, of course, and most importantly, merch (t-shirts, hoodies, etc.), diplomas, cups, and so on. Everyone is happy.


2. Who can participate?


The Olympiad is created for high school students (9-12 grades) with a separate rating in each class. But any student can participate.


3. It looks like another obscure online university olympiad. Who is conducting it?


The Olympiad is held by the Phystech-School of the LPR and the DGAP Community. Problem creation and solutions checks are being done by the members of the jury of the All-Russian finals (and their sympathizers). We wanted to make an event where the olympiad students (and their sympathizers) could warm up, communicate and participate in something interesting. That’s why we decided to make such an Olympiad.


4. A problem for the whole week. Will there be insane tasks?


Tasks will be different. Although the set is already created, we are doing the Olympiad in real-time. We have the opportunity to get feedback from you during the Olympiad and not use it. We will see how you deal with the problems, and try to adjust their difficulty to keep it interesting.


Twice a week we will publish hints. After the hint is published, the maximum score that can be obtained for the task will decrease, but the chances of solving the problem will become higher. The second hint is a set of introductory or alternative tasks for which it is possible to get points instead of the main task. You can find more details about the rules for calculating points in the Rules section (click).


The tasks will be both short, in the All-Russian format, and long as at the International Olympiads type. According to the program, we try to focus on the All-Russian Olympiad, but sometimes we go a little beyond it. In this case, you will either learn something new, or take advantage of your broadmindedness. In the “one week - one problem” format you can use any literature, internet, programs that help you with calculations, build graphs, etc. (all that is welcome). Going beyond the program does not seem critical to us, but on the contrary, it is an additional challenge. We will not deviate strongly from the school curriculum, many of you already know all the necessary materials (let’s say, you will certainly not be surprised by the angular momentum or the moment of inertia).


Important! Even if you do not succeed at all, there is nothing to worry about. Send us your solutions where you write whatever you think about us, and continue to participate in the Cup. After each round (and as always on time) we will publish the solutions to the problems, and after a while we will make a video with an analysis of the solutions (possibly in a broadcast format) and the necessary material. Anyway, it will be interesting! And even if you don’t succeed at all, then all the more you need to try to figure it out.


5. So other people can solve problems for someone. Have you thought about it?


Of course, we thought about it. And we have something to answer that. We do not care. Firstly, we strongly support any interactions in the format of “Read this book” or “Watch this lecture”. If someone can recommend suitable educational resources to help you solve the problem, that's good. And secondly, we are sure that honesty and sportsmanship will be more important for 99.9% of the participants than the opportunity to win gift merch (which, of course, will come to you on time). Let's add that the Cup is exactly that Olympiad, when participation, as we see that, is more important than the final result #youallarethewinnersalready. We want you to have a good time first. And it is the goal we will strive for.


6. Ok. How to take part in this Cup?


It is simple. You need to register
Each class has its own Google Classroom, where tasks will be published, you will send your solutions, and where these solutions will be checked.


Important! If you found out about the Cup after it started, then join anyway! The process is much more interesting and more important than the final rating.


7. When will the tasks be published?


Every Saturday at 10 am Moscow time we will post a new task, which will appear in the corresponding course in Google Classroom.


8. When and how can I view the solutions?


All the solutions will be published in Google Classrooms and the telegram channel immediately after the round ends. 


9. Will there be experiments?




10. What about the appeal? This is the third (although, apparently, the second) round.


See the rules of the Olympiad (click again).


If you still have questions, then you can write or call any contact listed in the relevant section.


We are 100% sure you going to like it, and will at least have a good time.



Wishing you all the best,

LPR Cup Organizing Committee